Welcome to Flow Myofunctional Therapy

Lets work together to identify and correct orofacial myofunctional impairments and dysfunction so you can FLOW through life as your best and healthiest self!

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional Therapy is a dynamic and specific series of exercises for the muscles of the face, tongue, lips, mouth, and throat. It is designed to correct poor oral habits in order to improve the important functions of breathing, chewing, speaking, and swallowing.

By strengthening and retraining these muscle groups and their functional patterns, many impairments and symptoms can be alleviated that may have otherwise been lifelong troubles for many. Myofunctional Therapy can truly be life changing!

4 Goals of Myofunctional Therapy

  1. Proper tongue resting posture
  2. Proper mouth resting posture
  3. Nasal breathing
  4. Correct and normalized swallow patterns

Myofunctional Therapy is a non-invasive, natural, and cost effective therapy. With dedicated effort, you will be on your way to improving your overall health, well-being, and quality of life!